Data Science and Next Generation AI event at MJCET

Update: 2019-01-04 05:30 IST

Hyderabad: The Computer Science and Engineering department, MJCET is organising a one-week FDP on Data Science and Next Generation Artificial Intelligence from January 3-8 in collaboration with Computer Society of India (CSI), Chapter Hyderabad. The objective of the workshop is to give a comprehensive exposure of Data Science, Data Science Technologies, Next Generation Artificial Intelligence, its real time applications and thrust areas, current technology in practice through hands-on sessions.  

Experts from industry (Tech Mahindra, Development Bank of Singapore, Deloitte, Lera Technologies, StraitsBridge Advisors Pte Ltd (Singapore), and Yash Technologies.) would be conducting the courseware of the FDP. About  100 plus participants including faculty, research scholars, PG students and industry persons from various different states of the country, to name a few – Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan- are attending the FDP.

The one-week FDP commenced with the inaugural function held on Thursday.  Chief guest, Honorary Secretary, SUES Zafar Javeed,  Guest of Honour Firasat Khan, Associate Professor, and Graduate Programmes Director in the Management Information Systems Department at Metropolitan State University, Special Invitee K Mohan Raidu,  Chairman, CSI Technological Council, Hyderabad, Advisor cum Director Basheer Ahmed, N Sitharamaiah Incharge Principal MJCET, Head CSE A A Moiz Qyser and Coordinator of the FDP Dr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali graced the dais at the inaugural. 

Welcoming the gathering, A A Moiz Qyser briefed the audience on the objective, relevance and scope of the FDP theme “Data Science Technologies and Next Generation Artificial Intelligence. Advisor cum Director Basheer Ahmed talked about the importance of the FDP and its theme and congratulated the CSE department for conducting the FDP. He shared his Industrial experience of BHEL to explain the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Man-Machine Interface. 

Special Invitee K Mohan Raidu threw light on the happening around regards Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and it mix from the industry perspective. Firasat Khan, guest of honor talked about the global perspective and present scenario of DSAI. He emphasised on Data Science Technologies as the future of global business and employment opportunities for students in bulk.  

The chief guest applauded the CSE department for coming up with FDP themes relevant to the current times both from industry and academia perspective and appreciated for the panel of experts from industry participating at the FDP. Lastly the inaugural concluded with vote of thanks, delivered by Mohammed Imran,   Co-Coordinator of the FDP. 


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