Diary released at LB Stadium on Friday

Update: 2018-02-17 04:56 IST

Hyderabad:  Sports Authority of Telangana State, chairman, Allipuram Venkateshwar Reddy launched the Diaries of Physical Education Teachers Association (PETATS) -2018 at Sports Authority of Telangana State, Chairman’s Chambers, LB Stadium on Friday.

On this occasion Allipuram Venkateshwar Reddy said that the Diary of Physical Education Teachers Association of Telangana State will be useful for the PETs for their daily life in schools to know the latest skills and to uplift the scientific knowledge in sports and games to train the players.

On this occasion PETA-TS, President, Dr. Someshwar Rao, General secretary Raghava Reddy, OU (Osmania University College of Physical Education), Professor, Laxmikanth Rathod, PETA-TS, Advisor, Dr. A. Balraj, Associate President, R. Srinivas Murthy, Hyderabad PETA, President, G. Venkateshwarlu, Secretary, Sommaiah, Ranga Reddy , General Secretary, K. Bhaskar Reddy and PETATS State office bearers have attended.


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