Entire Echs Process To be Automated

Update: 2018-02-19 06:50 IST

Secunderabad: A conference on Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was held at Headquarters, Telangana and Andhra Sub Area on Saturday. Major General N Srinivas Rao, General Officer Commanding, TASA presided over the conference. 

Deputy GOC, Commandant of MH Secunderabad, Commanding Officer MH Golconda, Director ECHS, Director Regional Centre and Officer in charge of all 16 Polyclinics and other senior officers attended the conference. 

Major General Rao explained the IT initiatives undertaken by the Sub Area and urged the wholehearted participation of all stake holders to make the scheme fully responsive to the Veterans. The objective of the conference with all stake holders of ECHS of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh was to synergize the efforts to improve the system and address the short comings.

ECHS was launched 15 years ago, in 2003 and the clientele satisfaction is still between 50 to 60%.  In order to plug the gaps and to gain command and control over the stake holders it was felt essential to automate the entire process to bring transparency, enhance efficiency and facilitate the optimum utilization of resources.

In this direction,TASA initiated milestone IT projects and launched ECHS Appointment booking web/mobile app facilitating online booking of appointments with integrated feedback from the beneficiaries. 

The second phase of the IT projects will beMedicine Inventory Management System (MIMS)to automate the process of indenting, procurement and distribution of medicines and incorporating online audit module. 

The third phase of the project, Central Monitoring System (CMS) will provide real time information on functioning of all stake holders and will integrate all existing software.The implementation of the automation project willrevolutionize the ECHS environment and bring the clientele satisfaction to 80 to 90 % in no time. 


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