Mystery shrouds beautician’s death

Update: 2018-04-21 05:56 IST

Tandur: The death of beautician Jyothi, who was killed in mysterious circumstances on Sunday near Vikarabad Railway Station remains a mystery till now. The Railway Police are grappling for clues even after six days. 

The deceased was native of Pagidyal of Yalalmandal in Vikarabad district. She was working as a beautician in Miyapur, Hyderabad. She used to travel form Tandur, where she was residing. On the fateful Sunday, she boarded Gulbarga passenger. She called her sister Umarani and said that she crossed Vikarabad and would get down at Rukmapur station to attend a function. That was her last call. Her family members tried to call her, but she did not attend. Later she was found dead at Mylaram station.


There are so many questions arising about the incident. Did she board another train after she got down from Gulbarga passenger? Why did she go to Mylaram instead of Rukmapur? Did anybody follow her? Had someone pushed her out of the train?

Her family members doubted that her boyfriend Sandeep might be the mastermind for her death. It is learnt that Sandeep’s father was against the marriage proposal.
Another version is that Suresh, who was residing at the Jyothi’s workplace also proposed her for marriage. But she rejected saying that she was already engaged with Sandeep. Did Suresh hold grudge against her for the refusal? All these questions will be answered when the case is solved. Her mobile phone has become a key witness form the incident. Police are unable to unlock it because of not knowing the locking pattern.

There were no bruises or wounds on her body. She fell on the platform and struggled for nine hours before breathed last. It is alleged that the railway staff were negligent enough by not noticing her. Her family members said that Jyothi would have been alive if the night staff noticed her and informed the authorities.

BY G Ashok Kumar



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