A garden nurtured by rainwater
Sainikpuri: While people fret and fume about water, Satish and Jyothi of Sainikpuri do not break a sweat at least for the watering the plants in their garden. Both devised a novel way of storing rainwater that they use for the 14 sq.ft garden.Jyothi says, “We have a small garden and do not want to rely on piped water as it is precious.” The couple collects rainwater from the roof in a container. They collect 30 litres of water at a time.
We have been collecting the rainwater since August-September 2017. After watering the plants, the remaining water is used in the kitchen. Jyothi says, “Instead of wasting the borewater we use the rainwater for washing utensils and for other personal and residential uses.”
The sump measures 20-22 inches only and is sufficient to maintain the garden. Satish says, “Small is beautiful and we want to make a difference in our own little way.”
By Tejal Sinha