Group C rail engineers demand B status
Hyderabad: The South Central Railway Engineers Association (SCREA) affiliated with All India Railway Engineers Federation (AIREF) has submitted a petition to the Railway Board to consider change in status from Group C to Group B.
G Kumaraswamy, general secretary, SCREA said, “In all Central and State government departments engineers are in gazette rank except Indian Railways. We have been fighting for our rights since 1989 but there has been no change in our status.” Members of SCREA say that one of the reasons for their present plight has been the stronghold of trade unions but the fallout is on safety. In South Central Railway (SCR) there are 6,000 engineers and 82,000 engineers in Indian Railway.
The SCREA met the Rail Minister recently when he was in the city and on June 18, a notification was issued calling for suggestions, views and opinions on the issue. SCREA members say that this is a welcome decision and are hopeful that there would be some positive movement. The argument of Railway Board that railway engineers have been working in Group ‘C’ since 1st Pay commission is no more acceptable taking into consideration the changing time, revised gazette notifications and up-gradation of Group D staff said an engineer.