HMDA launches two more machines to clean Sagar water

Update: 2018-07-06 05:30 IST

Hydeabad: Commissioner of Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) T Chiranjeevulu on Thursday inaugurated two more garbage segregation machines in Bathukammakunta on the banks of Hussain Sagar lake. The machines will clean the lakes polluted water and lessen the effect of foul smell.  Recalling that people in the past used to drink Hussain Sagar water, Chiranjeevulu stated that now the lake was getting polluted after the flow of sewage and wastage into the water body. 


He said waste reaching the Sagar lake through four main channels was being removed by using a trash collector and an amphibian excavator. Now two more excavators were being deployed for speeding up the cleaning process. He announced that in two-three months garbage would be removed and foul smell would stop by using chemical bubbles. The HMDA chief pointed out that better results in its efforts could be achieved if people joined. He appealed to people not to throw garbage in the Musi.



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