Political drama over the Brexit

Update: 2019-03-01 17:13 IST


Highlight : The year 2019 is yet to witness political drama with unprecedented battles regarding the Brexit. Britain leaves the EU in less than 30 days, if a plan is not proposed.

If a deal is not agreed between the EU and the government by 29th March, the UK will leave the European Union without an agreement. Which will cause trade tariffs, tailbacks as customs checks ramp up at ports, and more complicated passport and pet travel applications.


For the prevention of flights being grounded, food running out and a run on the banks, emergency plans will be implemented.

On January 15 the Brexit deal of Theresa May was defeated by the MP through historic vote. The 585-page deal was lost by an all-time record majority of 230 MPs, which also included 118 Tory rebels. Labour tabled a no-confidence motion in the government, which failed.

Labour held a historic no confidence vote in HM Government. But Theresa May survived after her 10 DUP allies agreed not to boot her from power.

MPs voted to back the Plan B of Theresa May, on the 31st of January. As they approved a bid to reopen talks and replace the backstop with "alternative arrangements",  even though the EU stated it to be impossible.

After a failed bid to re-open full negotiations with the EU, Theresa May tabled a statement on her progress But MPs voted against it - a move that was only symbolic but had placed her back to square one.

On February 26 Theresa May offered chance to delay Brexit. Theresa May bowed to pressure from Remain-backing ministers and opened the door for the first time to delaying Brexit.

By 12 March, the government will hold a new "meaningful vote" on the 585-page Brexit deal. If it passes, Brexit happens with a deal, almost certainly on March 29 (or with a tiny extension).

The last EU summit which the UK is due to attend. It is possible that even if a deal is agreed, EU leaders will only give sign-off to it - or a delay - at this summit. She has confirmed a deal may only be passed by EU leaders after MPs have already had their say on it.

If there's No Deal, planes could be grounded, ports jammed up and customs checks thrown into chaos at 11PM, when Brexit officially takes force.

Especially if there's a deal, the consequences will still be playing out in 2022. Government must report on its work to avoid the Northern Ireland 'backstop' kicking in. The government has agreed to give MPs a vote on which option to choose. But it's unclear how this would work - because any decision also needs to be approved by EU members on a committee. If there's a Brexit deal, but still no arrangement to stop customs checks on the Northern Ireland border. This would keep the UK tied to EU customs rules indefinitely, until a proper agreement is reached, in exchange for keeping the border open. However, trade would need checks between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

Theresa May has said that, she will stand down BEFORE this election - if she manages to hold on for that long.



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