35 bikes, 5 autos seized during cordon and search operations

Update: 2018-02-21 04:57 IST

Suryapet: The district police seized 35 bikes, five auto-rickshaws besides taking three suspected persons into their custody during cordon and search operations conducted at Bhagat Singh Nagar in Suryapet town on Tuesday early morning.

As per the directions of district SP Prakash Jadav, Suryapet DSP, 2 CIs, 10 SIs, 100 police persons including 10 women police participated in cordon and search operation. During the search, the police checked the houses in the Colony and also verified the identity of persons working and staying in them. They seized vehicles as the owners failed to produce valid registration papers.

SP Prakash Jadav informed that crimes and illegal activities would not be tolerated at any cost. Stating that police were taking all measures to make Suryapet as crime-free district, the SP urged the people to extend their cooperation to the department in curbing crimes and to create a peaceful and healthy atmosphere in the district.


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