KTR apologises to road accident victim stuck in traffic due to his convoy

Update: 2018-04-12 20:13 IST

 Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao took to Twitter to apologise to a road accident victim in Hyderabad.

The incident which took place five days back got the attention of the Minister after Times of India reported an article regarding the same.

The victim, Jitender, a businessman was injured in a road accident at Dammai Gudi in Hyderabad suburb and was on his way to the hospital.


However, he was not given the permission as KTR’s convoy was heading in the same direction resulting in the traffic being blocked for 20 minutes.

The victim expressed his anguish regarding the same and the story was published by the Times of India.

Referring to this story, a Netizen tweeted KTR questioning him in this regard.

Responding to this, the Minister sent out an apology and even stated that policemen would be given instructions to not repeat such incidents.





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