Schools to be involved in Haritha Haram programme

Update: 2018-07-28 00:11 IST

Hyderabad : Telangana Government has decided to collaborate with School Education Department for the successful implementation of Haritha Haram programme which aims to increase green cover from present 24% to 33% in 5 years period.
Learning lessons from each round of Haritha Haram, the forest department initiated dialogues with departments that have reach upto village level. Recently, training was taken up for all functionaries of Panchayat Raj Institutions leading to capacity building of Gram Panchayat level functionaries for raising nurseries and plantations.
The next department indentified for collaboration is School Education department which has reach up to village level. In addition, it has reach up to home through the students. After discussion with the Hon’ble Dy.CM/ Education Spl.CS of Education Department and officials of Directorate of School Education, “Swachh Paathashaala – Haritha Paathashaala” initiative is agreed upon.
As part of this, joint orientation training is conducted for Education and Forest Officials by TS Forest Academy, Dulapally on 26th & 27th July 2018. DEO/Dy.DEO/AD/Nodal Officers of Education Department and DFO/FDO/ FROs of Forest Department are trained as Trainers.
Forest department is giving caps & scarf’s as recognition to Green Brigade. Today’s children are tomorrows’ citizen. If school children are oriented on Environmental issues at an young age, they would go on to become more responsible eco-friendly citizen. In the first phase, it is planned to give 5 plants to each student to plant at their homes. In second stage it is planned to involve their parents to take up planting in their farms. In the third stage, it is planned to take up Environmental Education linking class room lessons on Environment to practical exposure to forest areas, nurseries, plantations, etc.,
The response of school Education Department is very good and participation of officials from districts was very active. A total of 170 officers are trained at Forest Academy. These Trainers would conduct training for mandal level resource persons who will them train school HMs/ Haritha Upadhyayulu.
A day will be earmarked in the 4th round of Haritha Haram to school students to take up planting on same day across the state. About 30 lakh students will plant 1.5 crore seedlings.



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