Tips to fight the Negativity when it takes hold of you

Update: 2018-04-06 01:36 IST

Having negative thoughts is not uncommon phenomena. But having them control life is. So here we give you few tips as how to control negativity in life when it takes hold of you There are days when all of us go through the blues. Everyone goes through periods when they think negatively, when they feel nothing is going their way. While having negative thoughts is not an uncommon phenomenon, it does become a problem when it takes hold of your life and starts affecting your well being, mentally as well as physically.


In a day we can have anywhere between 25,000 to 50,000 thoughts in a day. Don’t you think that’s a lot of thinking? And if most of these thoughts are negative, just imagine the effect they have on us. So what is a negative thought? A negative thought is essentially a way of thinking where the person looks at a situation or scenario and automatically assumes the worst. As a result, problems end up looking bigger than they are, situations look bleaker than they are and you feel trapped in a cycle of gloom. 

As a result of negative thinking you can also start thinking poorly of your own self , think you are unworthy, make your feel that you don’t deserve and generally leave you feeling stressed, worried and frustrated. Negative thinking is extremely destructive and can have a severe impact on your health, affecting the quality of your life. And once you get stuck in a negative pattern of thinking the that way of thinking had the potential to wreck havoc in your life, physically mentally and emotionally often without you even realising it. One of the features of depression is pessimistic thinking. 

What can the negative thinking all be of? It is nothing but the depression speaking.

Here are the few ways by which you can deal with Negative thoughts 

Try to speak to your own self in other words it is called self talking:

Try and understand your negative thoughts. It may help to maintain a record to understand what it is that triggers such thinking. Ask yourself questions like does this belong to me? Do i need to take it personally? Do I need to react or let the situation change with time? Will be this situation matter six months from now? One of the first steps to solving this is trying to understand your thoughts. Underlying the root cause of and then confronting them.


You cannot force yourself to stop thinking negative thoughts right away. But you can work towards replacing those negative thoughts with positivity. Positive affirmation is a tool often used to build up feeling of well being. Distract yourself by doing something that makes you feel good, whether that is going for a walk, reading a book or watching a funny movie. Congratulate yourself for all your little victories. Take time and count your blessings.


Meditation is an important tool that is often used to deal with negativity and calm oneself down.we are all victims of  the monkey mind syndrome from time to time. So it is important to reign in our wandering thoughts and guide them in a way that will benefit us. Try and take some time our every day, to meditate. Inner peace is the key to making ourselves.



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