Women Here’s The Perfect Way To Beat The Stress At Work

Update: 2018-06-02 18:41 IST

Dealing with stress is never easy, especially when the panic sets in at work. Here’s how you can de-stress at your workplace.

Your are sitting at your desk at the office and suddenly you realise you’ve missed a deadline. You have a mountain of work piled in front of you and suddenly your boss dumps more and more work load. There’s an important presentation that you have to give in half an hour and suddenly you can’t think straight. Your heart starts racing, you are sweating, you just don’t know what to do. Stress can get the better of us at any given time, and if it manifests into a panic attack at work things can get totally awry.


As per data from Optum, a leading provider from of employee assistance programmes to corporates assistance programmes to corporates in India, around 46% of the workforce in Indian organisations suffers from some or the other form of stress. And this naturally manifests itself into various health issues. The study found 43% with skewed BMI of which 30% with diabetic risk, 30% with hypertension risk and 46% high on stress. And further studies have revealed that stress not only harms the individual but the organisations productivity. 

While workplaces and our work lives have rarely been bereft of stress, the recent years have seen an increase in the quantum of stress experienced. There are several factors at play here insecurity due to poor job market and overall economic volatility, increasing work pressure, increased aspiration levels, lack of healthy work life balance and travel time taken due to traffic etc. All this adds up to increasing stress levels at workplace.

To prevent things from reaching such a tumultuous situation, you need to nip the stress in the bud right way. 

Take a deep breath it helps you to relax the nervous system. And it stimulates an over flow if this chemical which creates a sense of joy and happiness. And it calms down your nervous system.

Take a trip down memory lane:go through pictures on your phone or social media of friends and family, people you love and remind yourself happier times.

Be grateful focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have, firstly, you could start by writing down three to five reasons for you to be grateful that day. It could be small as something Ian grateful for making it in time to work, or having my favourite breakfast. Or having a steaming cup of tea. Keep reminding yourself how the simple pleasures of life can make a difference to you. Suddenly the stress may not appear the big anymore.



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