Twitter is divided over Miss America pageant’s scrapping of swimsuit round

Update: 2018-06-07 16:47 IST

This year, Miss America will no longer see a swimsuit round. The competition will focus on the participant’s personality and intellect. Here’s how Twitter reacted to the change.

The Miss America Organisation has decided it will no longer judge contestants by their looks. As a result of the latest development, the contestants will no longer be strutting down the stage wearing swimsuits. Last year, an email scandal in which former Miss America officials made fun of the previous title winners with regards to their intelligence, looks and sex lives, led to a change in management. Now, the group’s top three positions are held by women.


Twitterverse seems divided with the organisation’s decision of scrapping the swimsuit competition and focusing instead on personality and intellect. The hashtag #byebyebikini has invoked some fierce opinions.

“So if you don’t have to be attractive anymore, where’s Miss America heading? Interviews for potential UN ambassador position? (This isn’t a jab at Nicki Hailey, she’s lovely, just wondering what’s the point of the “pagent”?,” wrote one user.

Another user tweeted, “No more swimsuits in the Miss America Pagaent. Anybody else interpret this incorrectly?”

Some were happy about women were being noticed for what they say and do, rather than just their beauty.

So, what’s your take on it?


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