Why an evening walk is good for your health - HANS explains

Update: 2018-09-05 19:38 IST

An exercise as simple as going for an evening stroll could work wonders for your health. A walk, especially a brisk one can have many positive effects on your health and can be equally helpful in keeping many health problems away. Here’s how an evening walk can benefit your health and well being.

It’s An End Of The Day Workout 
After a hectic day, heading to the nearest park of your office or home for a thirty minute walk brings vitality to your body and mind. It is also the much needed workout to keep your body healthy.


It Relaxes You
An evening walk is the most easy and effective way to refresh and clear your mind. After a day long sitting job, an evening walk provides your muscles the necessary workout that in turn relaxes your muscles. 

Promotes A Good Nights sleep 
Sleep is linked to your health in many ways. An evening walk helps you sleep better. You also feel relaxed and free from tensions.

Helps Fight Depression
After spending hours at your workplace, it’s common for your body to feel tired and tensed up. If you can keep aside a few minutes in the evening for walk, it will be the best thing you can do to rejuvenate your mind and body. You will feel relaxed and your mind will become calm, giving you a chance to sidestep all the negativity.

Good for your heart and hypertension 
Walking holds the key to improve heart health and lowers your blood pressure too. This wonderful health benefit of walking has been proved by several studies.

Provides relief from back pain
After a whole day of errands or sitting in your office, your back gets tensed up, leading to back pain. The walk at the end of the day relaxes your back muscles and relieves the stiffness. 

Good for your immune system 
Apart from benefiting all the parts of the your body, walking is also good for your immune system. In several studies it has been found that walking for at least 30 minutes help your immune system perform better.



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