Eggs And Cholesterol

Update: 2018-09-24 23:30 IST

It used to be said that when people wanted to watch their cholesterol, they limited their consumption of eggs. Older guidelines said to limit dietary cholesterol to 300 milligrams per day, and a single egg contains more than half of that. But that has changed with more research. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but it does not appear to contribute that much to your blood( serum) cholesterol, but it does not appear to contribute that much to your blood( serum) cholesterol or to your overall risk for heart disease. 


On the plus side, eggs are an inexpensive source of high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In the context of your total diet modest consumption up to 5 to 7 eggs per week doesn’t appear to raise cardiac risk in otherwise healthy people. But remember to forgo a side of bacon or sausage with your eggs, which could greatly reduce the benefit. 



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