Let's Go Back In Time And Trance The 500-Year Old Journey of the Vindaloo- Goan's Delicious Food

Update: 2019-01-25 22:00 IST

  Whats strikes in one's head when you think of GOA? The very few things that comes to mind is it's beaches, the sun, the virgin sand, beach parties, music, and lots of chill vibes.

But what you forget about about is the Spicy Tngy Vindaloo. Because where there's a beach, there are numerous shacks and where there are shacks there are endless food menus. And in goa those food menus are incomplete without the Vindaloo.


Let's first know what is this VINDALOO

Never get fooled with the name thinking that it has aloo-potato in it. There is no aloo in vindaloo And it's thanks to the portuguese again who not only got potatoes, but also the vindaloo. So let's go back in time and trance the 500- year old journey of the Vindaloo.

Vindaloo - It's a red, hot curry that found fame in goa and even all the way in Great Britain. Vindaloo can be made with pork, chicken or fish.

The bright red vindaloo masala sauce, is an combined mixture of various mixtures including the Goan toddy vinegar, is what gives vindaloo its signature look and taste.

Traditionally, Vindaloo is eaten when Goan bun called pioee and the muted bread is a perfect accompainment to the spicy curry.

DID VINDALOO TASTED THE SAME WAY HOW IT TASTED TODAY? No, here is the curious thing you all have to  know. When the portuguese brought the Vindaloo to Goa, it did'nt look or taste like it does today. what changed?

Vindaloo was orginally a sailor's dish. Portuguese sailors used to sail to india and their journey used to last for three months. Understandably, they carried provisions like onions, garlic, wine, and dried meats that would'nt get spoilt.

And it is from these very ingredients that the true very blue Vindaloo was born, with dry pork cooked in wine, with garlic and shallots. This used to be called carne de vinha d'alhos meaning meat with wine and garlic.

As most stories go, Vinha d'alhos found local fans on land too, who gave the original their own spin with indian masalas, with chillies and tomatoes. And so, the vinha d'alhos became the vindaloo.

Vindalho de Porco


1kg pork/chicken/fish, belly cut into 2"cubes

1 medium red onion chopped fine

1 1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp brown sugar, 1 tspn cumin powder

1 tspn turmeric powder

1-2 tspn fiery chilly powder

3-4 tbspn palm vinegar or red wine vinegar'

8 cloves

10 peppercons

3" piece cinnamon

finely ground: 1 pod garlic

1-1/2 piece ginger

if you are lucky

 tbls fresh feni palm toddy


Wash and pat dry meat

Mix ginger, garlic, onion, sugar, and  spice powder, chilli powder with 4 tbls vinegar

marinate the meat for 12 hours in this..

Transfer the marinated meat in a heacy bottomed pan, cover and set on low heat till all the juices get absorbed stirring in intervals. Add additional vinegar ir be inventive red wine as required bascically the pork should be tender yet firm.

when the meat is 1/2 cooked add whole spices cook till done.

Approximately 3/4 of an hour.

There will be sufficient fat from the pork to cook till done . Approximately 3/4 of an hour.

there will be sufficient fat from the pork to cook all the ingredients.

Keep stiring at the intervals

serve it hot with rustic bread or odde.



calories 392
Total fat- 7.8 g                                            -12%
saturated fat- 1.6 g                                     --8% 
Trans fat-0g                                                 --
Cholesterol-74mg                                      --25%
Sodium-0mg                                                --0%
Potassium-0mg                                          --0%
Total carbohydrate-51.8g                         --17%
Dietery fiber-4.4g                                      --18%
Sugars -0g
Protein-31.2g                                            --62%
Vitamin A  0%                                          Iron 0%
Vitamin C  0%                                         Calcium-0%



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