Time for Pak to walk the talk

Update: 2018-12-05 05:30 IST

Two ground breaking ceremonies were organised for one corridor that believed to ease tension between India and Pakistan. The corridor would make Sikh pilgrims undertake hassle- free travel from Indian Punjab to Kartapur in Pakistani Punjab where the Sikhism's founder Guru Nanak spent his last days and was laid to rest. The occasion was highlighted as it is 550th birth anniversary of  great saint. 


Pakistan Prime Minister wanted to infuse the pilgrim corridor with political content. Ever since Imran Khan assumed his august office is sending positive signals to initiate dialogue process to sort out outstanding political issues between India and Pakistan. But Khan who was also veteran cricketer must understand that there is no meaning in negotiations between the countries unless his country ceases to be focal centre of terrorism. He also rightly cautioned that  to think war between the  nuclear armed countries would be 'madness'. The people to people relation between the nations also would ease tension between the countries. 

He should know that there are already good relations between Pakistan and India as Pakistan is extending cordial hospitality to Indians when they visit it and Pakistani patients are getting high quality medical care in India. Pakistan Prime Minister also cites the example of France and Germany .Here also he should know that Germany renounced it's militarist and ultranationalist past to come together in an economic union. So Khan must learn from history and live in present he should take concrete action against Hafeez Saeed who is the president of terrorist outfit which is behind the Mumbai mayhem.

Moreover the UNO banned his organisation but he has been acquitted by the Pakistan apex court. Thus Khan and chief of General Qamar Bajwa who  also responsible for the former's election must think over ground level situation  and propose dialogue process with India. - Pratapa Reddy Yaramala, Tiruvuru



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