Come clean on funds given to AP

Update: 2019-02-12 05:30 IST

The honourable PM,in his address to the people of AP, has  accused the CM of AP, of not  utilising the central funds, magnanimously given to the State, for various development projects.  ( Naidu failed to use central funds,THI, 11 Jan). In his befitting reply, the honourable  CM, says that it is Jumla. Unfortunately, the truth and Telugu people are  caught in the crossfire and denied justice.


In this connection, if the big hearted central government has released funds in a big way, why not they publish a "white paper," officially for the information of the Telugu people in the state? It is the right of the each and every citizen   to know the truth relating to release and expenditure of central funds to the state of AP. Finally, the PM' s personal attack on CBN, is very undesirable and should have been avoided.

P H Hema Sagar, Secunderabad



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