Is Modiji is playing American football?

Update: 2018-02-08 22:55 IST

Every country would pomp about some of their uniqueness, nativity or the derivatives of their ancient tradition and would try to sell to the world.  All most all countries while promoting their nation’s pride have never adventured to give any extra-constitutional status or a status above science to all such ‘monuments’ may be because such an endeavour may endanger the scientific temperament of their country.  Without adulterating and or muddling the education, science or health care delivery system, the countries have been promoting their uniqueness in the form of sport, heritage, tourism etc.   

The most popular sport – American football is the best example.  When the whole world watch, follow and admire football match, America alone take pride in their native football like game called American football which ironically never use any footwork.

The possible anchorage of USA upon this unique game may be due to its tradition, nativity & uniqueness and except America and Canada no other country is seriously engaged in such sport.  Hence the American football is as unique to America as to rest of the world.   

The game of matador is equally the pride of Spain.   Similarly the Princely vanity gives great pride to United Kingdom.  

But in India, Modiji has adopted two prong strategies to showcase his pride and pomp over AYUSH to the world as well as to India.   It looks like he has adopted AYUSH as soft weapon to combat the wealthy in the world with his pet phrase - wealth and wellness.    

Attracting the world to come to India for wellness tourism is not a bad idea and the massage therapy and other allied practices of AYUSH would certainly offer several paramedical benefits resulting in wellness and fitness of the mind and body.  If the above strategy was ever adopted by the government for promoting AYUSH in India every one would have appreciated and joined the mission.  

But it looks like Modiji has overstepped his personal like and preference on AYUSH and is attempting to juxtapose AYUSH over our health care delivery system like how the military regime would impose all their agendas up of people.  

Modiji also appears to have allowed many of his followers to roam and rampage our civil and scientific sanctity in the name of cow vigilantism, cow urine, panchagavya etc.   

As a part of coronation to the above festival, Modiji’s government wants to super-empower the AYUSH vaidyas to practice their system as well as scientifically proven allopathic system through a bridge course.  

The dual degree or integrated AYUSH-Allopathy degree system Modiji wants not to introduce but to gifts to the exiting AYUSH vaidyas. 

Is the above mission forms part Modiji’s famous rhetoric – Perform, reforms and transform and mission of NEW INDIA?  

Promoting the traditional wisdom is not a bad idea but before promoting it, we also need to validate it to understand how and where such wisdom would be useful.  

Branding all such ancient concepts and faith systems as ultra science and integrating into the educational system and mandating the country to accept it as ultimate science is not just obscurant but dangerous.  

Further tagging such mission as great reform initiatives in health care system, great service to poor people in rural India as it would increase the availability of doctors etc., looks like aimed to playing with the life of poor people for mere political gain.  

If the allopathic doctors are only needed for our society and that is why the present government is transforming AYUSH vaidyas to MBBS doctor, then why we need AYUSH Ministry and why the government is knee-bend in promoting AYUSH, providing research grants to cow urine research etc.  

Time has come, India must wake up the reality and must see what reform we have achieved so far vis-à-vis the great promises of Modiji.


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