India, UAE condemn use of terrorism as state policy

Update: 2018-02-12 21:28 IST

India and the UAE on Sunday condemned the efforts, including by states, to support and sponsor terrorism against other nations or to use it as an instrument of state policy, in an apparent reference to Pakistan.

"The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism both at the bilateral level and within the multilateral system," said a joint statement issued at the end of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's two-day visit to the UAE.


During his visit, Prime Minister Modi held wide-ranging talks with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the two sides signed five agreements including a historic pact awarding a consortium of Indian oil companies a 10% stake in an offshore oilfield here.

The two leaders agreed that extremism and terrorism cannot be defeated by use of force only, and acknowledged the need for a holistic approach, which includes disrupting the use of web and social media for promotion of extremist; preventing the use of religious centres to radicalise youth and recruit terrorist cadres, the joint statement said.

They resolved to deepen cooperation on combating extremism and further strengthen their efforts in countering terrorism.

The two leaders deplored efforts by countries to give religious and sectarian colour to political issues and pointed out the responsibility of all states to control the activities of the so-called "non-state actors", the statement said.

"They agreed that resolute and credible steps must be taken to eliminate safe havens and sanctuaries that provide shelter to terrorists and their activities," it said, in an apparent reference to Pakistan.

Both Afghanistan and the US have repeatedly accused Pakistan of providing safe havens to militants operating in the war-torn country to attack Afghan and US interests.

"The two sides resolved to continue working together towards the adoption of India s proposed Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the United Nations.

Security, Defence and Space cooperation," the statement said.

Expressing satisfaction at the ongoing bilateral cooperation in the identified areas of security, defence and space, the two leaders committed to augment this cooperation further to promote regional security, peace and prosperity.

They also agreed to further deepen collaborations on maritime security, including joint anti-piracy, training and exercises, cyber space and outer space, etc.

The two sides welcomed the finalisation of an MOU on Cooperation in the Exchange of Financial Intelligence related to money laundering, associated predicate offences and terrorist financing, which could be signed at the earliest.

They agreed to further deepen cooperation in combating transnational crimes and welcomed the proposal to establish institutional mechanism for cooperation to combat drug- trafficking, the statement said.

The two sides renewed their commitment to work closely to strengthen maritime security in the Gulf and the Indian Ocean region, which is vital for the security and prosperity of both countries.

"The two leaders affirmed their vision of a forward- looking comprehensive strategic partnership for prosperity, growth and security of the two countries," the statement added. 



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