Keep the change: YouTube star MrBeast leaves waitress $10,000 tip for two waters

Update: 2018-10-25 15:25 IST

 Staff at a hot dog diner in North Carolina have some extra cash to play with this month thanks to a $10,000 (£7,645) tip from a generous YouTube star.

The Good Samaritan by the name of MrBeast - who has almost nine million subscribers - left the neatly stacked pile of dollar bills on his table at Sup Dogs in Greenville after ordering just two waters.


He had taken only a few sips of his drinks as he perused the menu, only to decide against buying anything else and leaving the huge chunk of change behind for his waitress to find.

Restaurant owner Bret Oliverio told local TV station WNCT that the waitress kept most of the money and that the rest would be split among all of the staff.

"I've seen some really big tips, but not $10,000," he said.

"Good people are still doing good things these days so I thought it was pretty cool. This was out of the blue, once in a lifetime - it'll never happen again in my lifetime."

Along with the cash, MrBeast - whose notable videos include reading through an entire dictionary in one sitting - also left a note reading: "Thanks for the delicious water."

Some of his friends reportedly stayed inside the restaurant to film the reaction of the waitress, but the clip has not yet been posted online.




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