Are you lonely?

Update: 2018-09-23 05:30 IST
Are you lonely?
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Did you know that loneliness leads to poorer physical and mental health? And, yes, it has become a disease in itself. Loneliness is not necessarily being alone. It's a state of mind – a perception of being isolated. In fact, loneliness is reported to be far more dangerous than smoking! It could lead to suicidal thoughts, dementia and also affect the immune and cardiovascular system. 

It can cause pain, fatigue, stress, depression, sleep problems, disturbed appetite and more. Plus, it can affect everyone – a child who is trying to make friends at school or an elderly person who may have lost his/her spouse. So, how do you ensure you don't reach that stage or help someone who is already going through the lonely phase…Read on.

Plan to walk to your grave
While we are young, we are so busy with work and entertainment, we forget to plan for our old age. Include the whole plant-based diet and an exercise regime right now so you are physically fit to handle old age. 

Spirituality is nothing but being a better person today than what you were yesterday. It teaches you to handle life. Most people leave this aspect to old age when we are turning the last few chapters of our life. Spirituality is your mental gym, where you exercise your emotions. Work on your mental health and you will never feel lonely.

Do community service
This ensures you meet and interact with like-minded people.

Indulge in a hobby 
Take time to do what you love. Happy people can't be lonely.

Maintain a gratitude journal
Each day write five things you are grateful for. You will never feel alone.

Join groups
No, not on social media! Join a book reading club, a writer’s group or a dance group…whatever it is that interests you.

Get a job
Having a routine and working will keep you too busy to feel lonely.

Read books
They transport you to different worlds. Someone who reads can never be lonely.

Adopt an animal 
Animals too feel lonely especially when they are taken away from their loved ones. Ensure you give them a lot of love, care and open space too.

Seek therapy
If all the above seriously don’t work, then you probably need professional help.


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