Scribes told to beware of social media

Update: 2018-01-07 08:38 IST

Hyderabad: Prof Madabhushi  Sridhar Acharyulu, Commissioner, Central Information Commission, on Sunday observed that  despite corporatisation of the media and credibility deficit, there is  still space  for  the citizens  and journalists to exercise their democratic rights.

Delivering key-note address at the symposium on “Ethics of Electronic media” here at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Prof Sridhar Acharyulu said there was space for issues of public concern provided journalists use their editorial judgment and not being swayed away by what was trending in social media Freedom of speech and expression and the media were coming under serious threat from commercial and other interests, the Information Commissioner said.


The electronic media has become “entertainment media” he said and added  that individual ethical framework coupled with spirited public interest journalism is the need of the hour.  Citing examples from the Vietnam war, he pointed out that one journalist through his Pulitzer winning picture of a girl in a war-torn country changed public opinion leading to stoppage of war.

Guest of honour, Prof K Nageshwar pointed to the dependency of media on the market forces and said perspective is being lost in the din during prime time. What is in public interest need not necessarily be of interest to public, he said. He regretted the degradation of values in the society which impacted media.

Prof K Stevenson, Head, Journalism Department, presided. Silveri Srishailam, Editor- Probetimes, Uppala Laxman, former member of the PCI, Subash Agarwal, RTI activist also spoke. The symposium was organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication in collaboration with Telangana Journalists Association. Several working journalists, research scholars and students participated.



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