BLF will bring much-needed change in Telangana

Update: 2018-01-26 08:09 IST

Hyderabad: The Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI (M)) National General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said ‘Desko Neta Nahi, Desko Neeti Chahiye’ (country needs not leaders but values) is the need of the hour in the country 

Addressing a meeting on the eve of launching of the Bahujana Left Front (BLF), a new political front of 28 parties, he said, “Formation of BLF is a great step forward as it would not only bring the much-needed change in Telangana, but, it will have an impact on the political landscape in the country.”


He said that people of Telangana are at the receiving end even after the formation of four years. Similar situation exists across the country which need an alternative agenda to address the issues, he added.

Yechury said that economic justice is pre-requisite to achieve social justice as both are two side of the same coin. For this, “We need to stop the looting of the national resources to realise the constitutional objectives of the equality and liberty,” he said.

The CPI (M) leader said that while 48 per cent of the GDP was in the hand of one per cent of people during the Congress regime, the same had gone up to 73 per cent during the four years of BJP regime. Against to this scenario, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), report pointed out growth of 10 per cent of unemployment in the country in last four years.

The BJP led government at the Centre had also failed in delivering on its electoral promises of providing two crore jobs, Minimum Support Price (MSP) to farmers. Besides, Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government had failed in realising the 11 lakh crore loans given the big corporate entities in the country. “Realising even half of the unrealized loans would help in providing jobs, education and to ramp up the much-needed infrastructure in the country,” he said.

The Prime Minister calls himself as the servant of the people. It is the time to send him out of his job as he failed to discharge his duties well, he said. Prakash Ambedkar, prominent social activist and grandson of Dr B R Ambedkar said that the BJP-led Central government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had institutionalised corruption, unlike during the Congress regime. This poses a dangerous situation, to the future of the country. Because, it disempower and disrupt the functions of the institutions and systems established under the constitution.

He said that there is a new situation arising in the country and time is ripe for the new ways of thinking the issues being faced by the country He said that all the political parties in the country have outlived and thus, failing to answer the aspiration of the new generation that wanted development.

Movements like Pattedars in Gujarat, Gujjaras in Rajasthan, Marathas in Maharashtra etc., are demanding social security in the form of reservations. Because, they are feeling going backward and development is not reaching them.

Prakash Ambedkar said political parties have taken it’s on their development agenda. But, protection and development would not go together, as it would harm the harmony, amity and unity of the people in the country.

It was against this backdrop that a new alternative agenda is needed to make caste irrelevant and ensure the fruits of development reach everyone. For this, he said that there is a need to change the current narrative of development in terms of freeing people from poverty, providing jobs, and land to the land less. And, the efforts like forming BLF is meant to bring social forces to run politics based on humanity and justice than religion and caste.



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