Conference on employment demand at MANUU

Update: 2018-03-08 01:14 IST

Hyderabad :  The world has entered into a new phase of employability where a prospective employee should possess multiple skills, not just one or two, to become a productive part of an establishment, Dr Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, said on Wednesday.
Speaking at the opening session of the two-day conference on ‘Employment Demand in New India - A Policy Perspective’ organised by a clutch of departments from Maulana Azad National Urdu University, he said, “This is an age of multiple and flexible skills. Therefore, my suggestion to you is that you develop as many skills as you can. The times are changing faster than one can imagine.”
Elaborating his point Dr Sharma said that in the universities in the U.S. students have already begun to opt for a wide range of subjects - pure sciences to philosophy - and prepare themselves to the changing demands of the market. “It appears that tomorrow will have no connection with yesterday. That’s how the situation would be,” he said.
The Vice Chairman said that he believed that most of the people in the world would be on the road to self-employability rather than working one or two companies.
Reiterating his point repeatedly he said that most of the young people would be highly skilled and self-employed. “As I see the days of the big corporations are over and the days of ‘asset light’ firms have dawned. Hence, start digitising whatever work you undertake” he said.
The conference was organized by the Training and Placement Cell; Academy of Human Resource Development, Ahmedabad; School of Commerce& Business Management; School of Education and Training; School of Computer Science and Information Technology; School of Sciences; Department of Economics and; Civil Service Academy.
Dilip Chenoy, General Director, Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in his presentation on “ Changing Employment Landscape: How Universities could rise up to the challenge,” said in the emerging challenges universities should follow learner-centered approach, experiential learning, field based projects, technology oriented teaching to develop employment and social skills and emotional intelligence among students. He said that the need is to connect between global environment and classroom.
Prof. Shakeel Ahmad, Pro Vice-Chancellor, highlighted the role of MANNU in preparing multi-lingual and multi-skilled scholars for various jobs. He said MANUU has been working to ‘Reach the Unreached’.
Prof. Amir Ullah Khan, Director CSE Academy, while explaining objective of the conference, expressed the need to link between education and jobs.



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