Changes to be made in Consumer Rights Act: CV Anand

Update: 2018-03-16 02:24 IST

Hyderabad : Consumers should be made aware of their rights and duties and knowledge of Consumer rights to be secured said Commissioner for Civil Supplies C.V. Anand.
A special edition of ‘Viniyoga Tarangini’ was inaugurated on the eve of International Consumers Day at Civil Supplies Bhavan by Commissioner C.V. Anand. He said that 30 years back National Consumer Rights Act was formed and after that many changes came socially, financially and politically. Especially in Digital, Marketing fields, Online Shopping and transactions substantial changes appeared. According to the present scenario there is need to make changes in Consumer Act to protect consumer rights. As in Central, states should also have separate individual wings of consumer affairs.
Consumers should not ignore that they must be aware of their rights and duties, then only government can put barrier to crimes and can solve the cases.
In this modern era technology is spreading day by day on wide range and the cyber crimes are also increasing rapidly. Everyone should be very much aware to prevent such crimes and should be very cautious, said Commissioner Anand.
Hotel, restaurants and traders are cheating consumers in the name of GST. Legal Metrology department made 1400 special raids and several booked cases. Near about Rs. 50 Crores penalty was collected.
Special Acts are made to protect consumers, compensation is given if they incur loss or if they are cheated. In government level consumer affairs machinery is established to ensure justice to consumer. But due to lack of awareness among the consumers they are not utilizing the rights and cannot fair justice. The Commissioner said that more awareness should be made to consumers of their rights and duties.



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