Hyderabad City Police officials get lessons in E-office

Update: 2018-04-29 02:14 IST

Hyderabad : All inspectors, all SHOs  and  some sector SIs  of Hyderabd City Police, along with all ACsP, DCPs, Addl CPs and CP Hyderabad, attended a workshop on E office here on Saturday.
E-office is a computer software application in which all the files, all the papers files of the dept will move through e- mail, through computer and in digital format. The main objective is that there should not be any paper. It should be a paperless office which will be environment friendly leading to saving of more than 100,000 trees.
Not only that there will be faster movement of file and there will be transparency, the pendency of file can be seen through dashboards. Which officer is having a file from what time to what time, everything can be checked and there will be   total transparency. It will also help to access the file even on a non working day. In case of emergency, all officers will be given electronic digital dongle which will facilitate digital signature. Every officer will have a separate digital signature. Hyderabad will be the first big city in the country to use this. 



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