Irrigation dept tops report card; agriculture second

Update: 2018-05-05 10:26 IST

Hyderabad:  The State Irrigation department, headed Minister K Harish Rao, clinched the first place among 30 important departments in achieving the goals set by the State government. It is followed by Agriculture, Revenue, Forests, Energy, Industry and Rural Development departments. However, what comes as a major disappointment, the welfare departments failed to perform up to the expectations. 


Taking into account the performance indicators set for all departments, State Planning department analysed the performance of all departments for the year 2017-18. Apart from utilising the funds released by the government timely, the Irrigation department completed the works taken up in a scheduled time. For instance, Bhakta Ramadasu project in Khammam district has been completed two months before the deadline. 

Similarly, the ongoing works at Kaleshwaram Irrigation Project are ahead of the schedule finalised by the government. Land acquisition at major reservoirs, mainly Mallanna Sagar, Kondapochampally etc have already been completed. The Irrigation department also received accolades for getting all clearances for Kaleshwaram project on fast pace.  

The Planning department reviewed the utilisation of funds earmarked for the Irrigation department and accorded the first place on fulfilling the performance indicators. The Agriculture department has been given the second place in achieving the goals as it succeeded in overcoming the scarcity of fertilizers and seeds for the consecutive third year. The compilation of farmers’ data for the effective implementation the crop investment support scheme is considered a major achievement of the Agriculture department.    

The efficiency and performance shown by the Revenue departme nt in completing land records purification put the wing at the third place. Forest and Environment department, which has been confined to forest development, has got the fourth position after the launch of Haritha Haram programme. The mass plantation programme and regular maintenance of saplings have already brought nationwide laurels to the State. 

The Energy department earned good reputation with the successful implementation of 24 hour free power supply to agriculture and its efforts to free the State from power cuts for domestic, commercial and industries sector.       

The welfare departments have failed to reach the expectations of the government. The SC and ST Welfare department could spend only 40 per cent of the total allocations made under SC and ST Sub Plan. The distribution of three acres of land and self-employment schemes meant for the SCs and STs did not reach the beneficiaries. 

The Minority and BC Welfare departments are also moving at snail’s place in reaching the benefits of Kalyana Laxmi, oversees education programme and skill development schemes for the unemployed youth to beneficiaries.  The delay in implementation of the schemes cost heavy to the government. The report prepared by the Planning department has been submitted to Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao recently. 



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