Desh Ka Sach: A platform to empower citizens

Update: 2018-10-05 05:30 IST

In a bid to empower and provide citizens a platform to raise their concerns, Subhash Chandra (SACH) foundation launched a first-of-its-kind digital initiative called ‘Desh Ka Sach’. Conceptualised by Subhash Chandra, with a view to offer citizens a social platform to bring forth issues and causes that matter, Desh Ka Sach ( is a one-stop platform for petitioning in public interest. Citizens who feel strongly for a public issue and want to bring about a positive change can submit a petition or can support someone else’s petition. Subhash Chandra will himself take up petitions that get support of over 10,000 people and invest concentrated efforts in getting them resolved. 
Sharing his vision for the platform, Subhash Chandra, said “In all these years, I have harnessed the power of the small and big screen to bring to light social ethos and issues plaguing our society. However, as a citizen of this great nation, I firmly believe that it is also the responsibility of every Indian to nurture the country and help it grow. ‘Desh Ka Sach’ is our humble beginning to provide a platform to every Individual to voice challenges and bring to light causes that matter to them. It is our attempt to bring people closer and enable them, to help each other. 


I sincerely hope that citizens will utilise this medium and set foot on the path of an evolution that the country is ours and so are its responsibilities.” Coinciding with the foundation’s aim to elevate India to a global stage and to eradicate the challenges faced by the nation, Chandra has been continuously investing in propagating human values and empowering people from all walks of life through several social impact and development initiatives.  



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