Don’t fall prey to harassers

Update: 2018-01-10 05:50 IST

The changing world that encouraged the improving technology has failed to teach men on how to respect women at a shared work place. Many recent incidents yet again prove that no matter how small or gigantic the working organisation is, the working conditions and harassments inside remain unidentified and unnoticeable.

As we await spaces free of insult, abuse, intimidation, stereotyping and discrimination based on gender, religion, colour and national origin, we continue to fight with sexual harassment. Here are few steps on how to deal with sexual harassment at workplace.

Be confident
Understanding the attitude of workforce in large, all women should move ahead on a confident note and give up fear. The harassers often target those who are weak. The best way to counter any bad misconduct is to gain strength and be confident. Weak women easily fall prey to abuse. Even when you feel intimidated and frightened, you have to fight back with full power.

Talk directly to the harasser
Have power to address the problem. Don’t step back from doing it as failure to act may result in more problems.Your strong actions will panic the harasser and forbid him from further harassments.

Speak up
In general, sexual harassment begins incidentally with humour that might seem normal initially but lead to serious conducts over a period. If such a thing happens, be careful and raise your voice if the situation goes out of control. Consult seniors at the job or your family or close friends on how to deal with the problem.

No eye contact
The male harassers can take a chance of accidental eye contact. Never give them an opportunity or the lenience to indulge in sexual intimacy through eyes. The eye contact becomes an invitation for further misconducts.

Know your right
Every organisation has a set of guidelines and anti-sexual harassment policies. Be aware of such existing regulations. It can help you take serious action whenever it is required.

By Sushma Nagaraju


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