The Male Ego!

Update: 2018-01-20 08:40 IST

The male is allowed to believe since his childhood days that somehow somewhere he is more superior to women. It might be something to do with the upbringing or our society which seems to be male-dominated! Since time immemorial, women have fought for their rights whether it be on a National or the International front. 

We as women often become targets of the male ego, nursing it from time to time. But of course, women too love to have their own way even if they have todeal with the male-ego! Much depends upon the tact that you use in each relationship, to have your way and yet not hurt the so-called Male-ego.


Most males do not acknowledge that males do have an ego at all! They would do anything to deny but it seems to be a fact that the male-ego does exist. Let us take a simple example of shopping. Says, Sonia Singh who loves to have her way while shopping but her husband wants her to buy after taking his choice into consideration. 

“I do take his choice into consideration but finally buy what I want, through online shopping or going out later with my friends. I avoid shopping with my husband as I don’t like his choice of colours for me! Earlier we used to argue about this issue but later I realized that he seems to have a short memory as far as clothes and colours are concerned, so without hurting his feelings I could have my own way!”

Men have a fixed idea of always being ‘right’. Being egoistic is seemingly harmful in the modern society. Our budding future generation hasn’t much time for pampering the male ego! A humble behaviour is very difficult to find in people, in the modern times; especially in men, who have been taught to be so-called rough and tough since the very beginning of time. 

Ego of men has been overwhelmingly flown out of the bucket, many relationships have been broken apart just because of the growing egoistic behaviour of men. Says Sheila Dayal a school teacher, “It is pointless to encourage the male ego these days as women are earning as well as doing well in every sphere of life, in every field. 

Times are changing fast and it is high time the male-ego takes a back-seat. I admit pampering my husband at times! Nursing a little male ego that seems more like pampering can be dealt with but anything more than that should not be allowed. Specially the next generation will find the very concept of nursing the Male ego rather ridiculous! My own daughters would not tolerate it!”

Well, it seems that in the present jet-set pace of life, the male-ego will have to be a story of the bygone era! Women whose sixth sense is very strong can deal with a little ego from the opposite sex but anything more than that would go unnoticed! Vanity and self-respect are better than Ego and as an individual it is mandatory to understand this. So be equal partners in a relationship, keep space for open discussions and debates. Do remember it is not ego but love that makes the world go around!



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