FICCI FLO Distributing Women’s Happiness Kits
FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), Hyderabad Chapter embarks on a new initiative “Women’s Happiness Kits”. The hygiene kits will be distributed free of cost to girls studying in the government schools and shelter homes.
Around one thousand such kits will be distributed at a total cost of rupees three lakh. Giving details about the initiative Chairperson of FLO Priyanka Ganeriwal Arora said, “Conversations about personal hygiene and menstruation are still taboo in our country. So, we came up with the idea of hygiene kits.”
“Just sanitary kit can boost up the quality of girls education in government schools. Sanitation is dignity. It is the birthright of every girl. Menstruation until now was personal and private matter. Moreover, there was no choice to seek solutions from outside the world. Now we have pads/kits developed.
We have low-cost sanitary kits made available. Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Pad Man’ talks openly about the subject and that is a good change. Now we have a choice. Having a choice is one of the highest forms of empowerment,” Priyanka added.
Priyanka informed that they are aiming to distribute about 1,000 kits of Rs 300 each and in one year they are planning to distribute kits worth three lakh rupees. “It is a simple kit and it consists of a packet of sanitary napkins, undergarments, a bar of soap and shampoo sachets and detergent.
We will also take up more kits depending on the need. These small everyday utilities are often taken for granted. For a girl these are important and would be an invaluable gift,” she said.