Christmas gift for her

Update: 2018-12-25 05:30 IST

Your loved one is not just your love but someone who is close to your heart and knows you inside out. Express gratitude towards her with fabulous gifts for filling your life with immense love, happiness, and lots of care. Here is the list of gift for you to pick …

A leather purse
Though we should all aim to avoid making sweeping generalisations based on gender, there are some that hold water, like the fact that women love handbags and purses.

A notebook
Don’t let the digital era sully her stationery game. With a stylish notebook, anyone can go old-school with the life planning and correspondence but remain firmly in this century by opting for a colour pop design. Plus, it’s a lot fancier than another iPhone notification.

A makeup gift set
Unless you live in some tropical clime, there’s a fair chance the ladies in your life will have lost their glow by the time the big day rolls around. Gift her make-up kit to make her feel she’s the queen.

A chocolate gift box
A chocolate selection box is never a bad gift. For something a little more grown-up, consider this assortment of stylish sugary goods.

A scarf
For a simple rectangle-shaped piece of fabric, a well-picked scarf can do more than just keep its wearer warm. Pick the right style and you can also help her add visual interest to just about any outfit. 


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