An app for the better you

Update: 2019-01-21 07:44 IST

Niine Sanitary Napkins, the premium, made-in-India sanitary napkin brand, has launched its Period Tracker app. The innovative new app is developed in consultation with medical professionals. 

The need for the NinePeriod Tracker app is demonstrated by the staggering figures that show the lack of education surrounding menstruation. India is home to 355 million menstruating women and girls, yet 71% of girls have no knowledge of menstruation before their first period.

With the topic still a taboo in many households, the lack of discussion and education on menstruation is a direct cause behind the 82% of women and girls in India who do not use sanitary methods of managing their periods and leave themselves dangerously susceptible to reproductive illnesses. Further lack of being able to talk leads to several myths and low menstrual health- which this app aims to address.

Offering convenience to women and girls, the app initially asks for the user’s age, date of last period and how long their averaged period lasts. Once this is complete, users are able to the keep a log, which helps the app to generate its prediction for the following month.

The app asks for detailed information from the user including body type, strength of their menstrual flow, any mood swings the user may experience, exercise levels, sexual activity and more, to help to create an accurate profile for the user. This detailed log helps the user to discover what a typical menstrual cycle for them looks like, and alerts them to any irregularities that appear in their periods over the longer term.

The Niine Period Tracker app will regularly have medical facts and updates on menstruation in consultation with doctors of FOGSI(the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India), India’s largest professional membership organisation for obstetricians and gynaecologists.

The app features an FAQ section, which features a host of common questions and myths on menstruation answered by FOGSI professionals, providing users with facts on their menstrual health directly from the experts.

The app will play a strong role in driving menstrual hygiene awareness, and users will also be able to access regular blogs to dispel ignorance around periods as well as news on Niine’s activities around India.

With a host of features including daily notes, push notifications with reminders on buying sanitary napkins, how many days until the user’s period is due, ovulation dates and beneficial information for those who suffer from health issues such as PCOS, the Niine Period tracker app is the perfect way to ensure that women are never caught unprepared by their period again, with users able to buy sanitary napkins from Amazon at the click of a button. 

Actively involved in the development of the app, Ankita Gupta, Creative Director, said “Our aim was to create an innovative one-stop resource that women and girls can use throughout the whole month.”


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