Hyderabad-based mathematician’s endeavour generates interest
Hyderabad: The Institution of Engineers, Telangana State Centre organised an Endowment lecture of eminent engineers of the state - Venkata Krishna Iyer, K V Srinivasa Rao and M L Swamy – on Monday. On this occasion, a special lecture by Dr. Kumar Eswaran, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad on “Final and Exhaustive Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis” developed by him.
This hypothesis was proposed 150 years ago by the great mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann. The problem of proving his hypothesis is considered as one of millennium problems. However, by considering this hypothesis to be true hundreds of mathematicians have proposed a number of theorems.
Thus, the Riemann Hypothesis has remained as the foremost unsolved problems in mathematics. Based on the assumed truth of the Riemann Hypothesis, hundreds of theorems were developed and all these theorems get legitimised at once, when the Riemann Hypothesis is proved.
Two years ago, Professor Eswaran came up with a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, which he has posted on appropriate websites for wide dissemination (specifically, Arxiv and Researchgate). The proof adopts a new direction and is almost entirely derived from first principles, and therefore easy to understand and verify. Many senior scientists from Indian Institutions have approved the proof and his papers have generated a lot of interest in the web as evidenced by the thousands of continuous downloads throughout the world. All this points out to the fact that the proof is most likely to be correct.
K T Mahhe, Chairman of Srinidhi Institute of Science and Technology felt very happy that one of the Professors of this College has given a proof of millennium problem and he hoped that the mathematical society of the world will accept his proof. On this occasion T Ramasami, former Secretary, DST and Director General, CSIR was the Chief Guest.
In his address, Ramasami felt very happy that an Indian professor is able to provide a proof of this millennium problem and that will be a great honoured to India. He gave a number of anecdotes about the imagination and capabilities of Dr Kumar Eswaran. He expressed his wish that Dr Kumar Eswaran’s proof will be accepted by entire mathematical society of the world.
G Rameshwar Rao, FIE, Chairman, IEI, TSC presided over the meeting has expressed his happiness for the Endowment Lecture and importance his Lecture will have on the mathematical societies of the world over. He was very happy that T Ramasami and K Srinivas Rao for having come all the way to participate in this lecture. He also brought to the notice of the audience about the achievements of great Irrigation Engineers L Venkata Krishna Iyer, K V Srinivasa Rao and M L Swamy for whose memory this Endowment Lecture is organized.
K Srinivas Rao, (formerly Senior Professor of Mat Science, Chennai and Director of Ramanujan Centres, Tamil Nadu), was present and introduced to the audience the history of identifying some hypothesis which have not being proved so far by any mathematician in the world. The world now identified seven mathematical hypothesis are considered to be very difficult to have a proof and the person who proposed the proof will be given one million US dollars as a prize. He was very sure that Dr Kumar Eswaran’s proof of Riemann Hypothesis will be accepted by the mathematics community of the world. Thus, after a long time a mathematician from India has provided proof for this hypothesis and India will become proud.
Er T Anjaiah, FIE, Hon. Secretary, IEI, TSC has welcomed the gathering and briefed about the Chief Guest and Guest-Speaker. Prof. G Radhakrishna, FIE, Member, TSC proposed a hearty Vote of Thanks and mementos were given to all the distinguished personalities of the dais. Many faculty members of various Engineering and other colleges were present.
The audience felt great about the fact that an Indian mathematician working in India has solved a problem which is unanimously considered as the most important and difficult millennium problems in mathematics.