8 Summer Hair Care Tips to Protect Your Hair

Update: 2018-08-03 16:48 IST

"Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about." – John Mayer

Summer is all about fun and frolic, happiness and sunshine. It's the brightest weather of the year, when fresh flowers bloom and one doesn't have to hide under blankets anymore. It's the time of the year to go out and enjoy the sun licking popsicles, make merry and have a gala time. 


Although going out in summer can be fun, it also brings along with it a lot of damage to our skin and especially hair. We are all aware how the hot summer sun can harm our skin, and that's why we take due precautions for it like sunscreens and moisturisers. But has one ever wondered about the effects that sun has on hair? Our hair is also sensitive and thus prone to damage just like our skin.

Now that summer's here, let's make sure that our hair looks its absolute best and is prepared to face the summer sun. We bring to you 8 easy ways to learn how to protect your hair from the heat, sun and humidity, and keep it fresh and healthy.

Cover up your hair when out

The number one advice for protecting hair in summers is keeping it covered. You can use a scarf, hat, caps or bandanas to cover your head when you're out in the sun. This tip works two ways, it provides for extra UV protection, while also retaining moisture in the hair. Such a head gear can also protect your hair from loos and winds, and keeps them from tangling and protects colour on hair as well.

Wash hair less

When you wash your hair frequently, it takes away natural oils from your scalp which in turn gives rise to more oil production and makes the need to wash it even more. You can replace your strong shampoos with some natural based ones or shampoos which are made out of natural ingredients. Flipkart has some amazing collection of natural shampoos and hair products. You can also avail flipkart coupons to get amazing deals and discounts on hair products.   

Condition always

Conditioning hair during summers is an absolute must and you should memorise this tip by heart. Summer sun tends to make hair very dry and frizzy, which is why we should keep conditioning them as and when we wash them. Flipkart Coupons can be used to purchase good quality conditioners online. You can also rinse hair with apple cider vinegar diluted in water which makes for a healthy natural conditioner. Oils like coconut oil or shea butter can also be used after hair wash to make your hair smooth and shiny.

Shampoo with Care

Summers makes us want to keep washing our hair all day. If it were up to us, we would have our hair wet all the time. But too much shampooing does more harm than good to our super sensitive hair, as it can dry up your scalp and cause dandruff and hair fall. Therefore, you should select your shampoo according to your hair type. Go for a mild shampoo in general. A great tip is to shampoo only on the scalp and not the hair and simply rinsing your hair with water. This way your hair will not get frizzy and dry.

Trim Them

Summer means light dresses, popsicles and lemonades. One can also opt for short hair to keep up with the summer look. Hair, long or short, definitely takes a beating during the summer. One must take care of the strands and keep getting them trimmed from time to time. Trimming keeps the hair upbeat and healthy. It takes care of your split ends and dry tips and makes them look healthy and fresh. Summer is the best time to give your hair a new look, but even if you just want long hair, you should still get them trimmed often to prevent hair damage.

Lots of Fluids

The most important tip for summers is to keep yourself hydrated. While you may be using the best hair care products and tips, you will not achieve anything if your water intake is low. Water is a wonder drug that replenishes your whole body. It will benefit your skin and hair immensely.  You should opt for fluids, water, cooling liquids to keep your hair healthy and hydrated. One can also include fresh fruits like watermelon and litchis, and vegetables in your diet to add increase your water intake and keep yourself hydrated. So make water your best friend and keep your hair-care worries at bay.

Use a wide-tooth comb and avoid the brush

Hair in summer weather tends to get very dry and frizzy. The number one tool to de-frizz them is using a comb. But brushes are hard on hair as they can pull and tear while running through the hair. One should go for wide-tooth comb for untangling hair, as they are very gentle on hair and are also the easiest to brush through frizzy hair. Another important tip is to avoid pulling anything through hair when it's wet because wet hair is very likely to break more than dry hair.

Night Treatment

Night time care of your hair is as important as night time care for your skin. One can apply a leave-in conditioner to the hair which are excessively dry and frizzy. This a great tip for people with tangled, dry hair that they can wrap a plastic cover or a towel around their hair and sleep only to wake up with shiny, smooth and hydrated hair. This may take a few days, but soon you will see great results.

As much fun as we have playing in the sun, taking dips in the pool, the hair gets damaged by harmful sunrays in such ways that it's hard to maintain them. One has to be patient with hair care. The first step is to understand the root cause of your hair damage, and then to find the right remedy that suits your hair type as well. If you continue with the right hair remedy, you will see the results soon. But as they say, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, if you use the above-mentioned tips, your hair will always be healthy and beautiful.


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