Apple released a 45-second video ad all about smartphone privacy

Update: 2019-03-16 12:38 IST

On Thursday, Apple released a new ad where it explains the importance of caring about your smartphone's privacy.

In this 45-second video, Apple showcases various scenarios where people naturally want privacy: at home, at the office, in the car, while talking to others, and even in the bathroom.

The final tagline, in the end, reads, "If privacy matters in your life, it should matter to the phone your life is on."


Please check out the video below.

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On the website, Apple has an entire page dedicated exclusively to privacy. From customer passwords to your photos, to Apple Pay, to Siri questions, Apple says it "doesn't gather your personal information to sell to advertisers or other organizations," and all of your data is saved from merchants, third parties, and even from Apple itself. It also explains how it implements privacy across every app let into its App Store as well.

This ad could be professed as a dig toward Apple's competitors Google and Facebook, which are well-known for monetizing their free applications by using anonymous user data to market their advertising platforms to third parties and advertisers.

Though Apple has a pretty good track record when it comes to privacy, it hasn't been perfect. Over a month before, in fact, Apple devices suffered from a major FaceTime bug that let people eavesdrop on others through their phones, even if they didn't answer the call. Apple fixed this issue in almost a week time.



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