Apple to Fix Longstanding Screen Time Bug in iOS 18 Update

Update: 2024-06-07 13:15 IST

Apple is preparing to resolve a persistent bug in its Screen Time feature with the upcoming iOS 18 update. This move follows multiple reports from security researchers and a detailed investigation by the Wall Street Journal.

Persistent Bug to Be Addressed

Screen Time, designed to help parents regulate their children's app usage, website access, and content exposure, has faced numerous challenges over the years. Users have frequently found ways to bypass its restrictions, undermining its effectiveness. Recently, the Wall Street Journal conducted an investigation that brought significant attention to one such workaround. Security researchers had reported this bug to Apple multiple times over the past three years, but the company had not taken definitive action until now.


The investigation, led by journalist Joanna Stern, prompted Apple to commit to addressing the issue. In response, Apple stated that it “takes reports of issues regarding Screen Time very seriously and has been consistently making improvements.” The company also highlighted “substantial Screen Time fixes” included in the latest iOS 17.5 release.

Concerns Over Screen Time's Reliability

Despite the forthcoming fix, the delay in addressing this specific bug has raised questions about the reliability of Screen Time. Many parents have found the feature too unreliable to fully depend on. The recent workaround involved bypassing web browsing content restrictions by entering a series of special characters into Safari's URL bar. Although this trick was not as widely known as other exploits shared on social media, it still compromised the effectiveness of Screen Time.

Apple's Commitment and Parental Vigilance

Apple's commitment to fixing the bug in the next iOS update is a positive development. However, the delay in addressing this issue has underscored ongoing concerns about the feature's reliability. Parents who rely on Screen Time should remain vigilant, staying informed about updates and proactively managing settings to ensure the feature works as intended.

In conclusion, the upcoming iOS 18 update is expected to enhance the reliability of Screen Time, providing parents with more dependable tools to manage their children's digital activities. While Apple's commitment to fixing the bug is commendable, the situation highlights the need for continuous vigilance and proactive management of digital tools designed to protect children.



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