NASA Comes Up With A Video Game Making People To Find The Coral Reefs

Update: 2020-04-11 23:21 IST

The whole world is facing the effects of novel virus Corona… This contagious disease is showing off its prowess by making the people sit at home in the lockdown mode.

So, all the tech giants are coming forward to lend the hands to the Governments to make the countries slowly come out of this deadly situation. Simply sitting at home makes many of them bored… So, the space institute NASA has come up with a unique idea to keep people busy.


NASA has come up with a video game 'NeMO-Net' which keeps the players busy in identifying and classifying the coral reefs using the 3D images. This can be done by the player by navigating virtually in the oceans with vessel researches. The official statement has been shared on the official blog of NASA off late.

Through this game, players can witness the 3D images of picturesque ocean floors which will be filled with corals, algae and seagrass. The images found in this video game are captured by NASA through drones and aircrafts.

This game can be plated by anyone and NASA allows the gamers to go through its global coral map using the Pleiades supercomputer.

Currently, only Apple users can download this game through the App Store. 



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