Now Your Smart Watches Send You Signals To Wash Your Hands…

Update: 2020-04-15 23:13 IST
Now Your Smart Watches Send You Signals To Wash Your Hands

Tech giant Google has come up with another unique idea… This company has thought of an amazing idea by making its smartwatches and wearables to remember its users to wash their hands.

As frequent washing of hands is the best preventive measure to stay away from Corona, Google has updated its Google Clock Application and Android Police with v5.4.0 version and has added this unique yet effective feature.


According to The Verge, the clock application will alert you for every three hours to wash your hands and once you start washing hands you need to start off the 40-second countdown. This way smartwatches also help the people to stay away from the virus. You can even easily disable the feature through the Android Police application.

As we all know about the rapid spread of this novel disease in the whole world, experts and health officials are suggesting the people to wash their hands at least for 20 seconds with a liquid hand wash and this 20-seconds time will exactly match to singing Happy Birthday song for 2 times.

We thank Google for coming up with such a great idea… This way people remember to wash their hands and rule out the disease!!! 


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