Apple Warranty Update: Any Crack on iPhones, Apple Watches Not Covered

Update: 2024-06-06 18:52 IST

Apple has recently revised its warranty and repair policies for iPhones and Apple Watches, which affects how users can get their devices repaired. Previously, Apple's warranty covered "single hairline cracks" on screens, provided there was no visible damage or identifiable point of impact. This allowed users to have minor screen cracks fixed at no additional cost under the standard warranty.


However, with the new policy update, Apple will no longer cover single hairline cracks under its standard warranty. These repairs will now be classified as "accidental damage" claims, meaning customers will have to pay for the repairs themselves, even if there is no other damage or impact point on their devices.

This change has been communicated to Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers through updates distributed this week. As a result, service providers are now instructed to treat all single hairline cracks as accidental damage, placing the repair cost on the customer. This update only affects iPhones and Apple Watches; for now, Apple continues to cover single hairline crack repairs under warranty for iPads and Macs.

Apple has not provided specific reasons for this policy change. Previously, the implementation of the policy varied, with some stores and repair shops being more lenient than others. Now, however, service providers no longer have the discretion to cover single hairline cracks under warranty.

This policy update is significant because it impacts the cost of repairs for users. Previously, minor damage, such as a single hairline crack, could be fixed without extra expense under the warranty. Now, users will have to bear the cost themselves. For those with an iPhone or Apple Watch that develops a single hairline crack, the repair will now be an out-of-pocket expense classified as accidental damage.

For users interested in the specific repair costs, Apple provides a detailed breakdown of screen replacement prices on its website. It's advisable to check these prices to understand the potential costs if your device requires a screen repair. This policy change underscores the importance of protecting your devices from even minor damage, as the cost of repairs can quickly add up.

In summary, Apple's updated policy means that single hairline cracks on iPhones and Apple Watches are no longer covered under the standard warranty. Users will now need to pay for these repairs as accidental damage claims. This change does not affect iPads and Macs, which remain covered for such damage under warranty. If you own an affected device, be prepared for the potential repair costs and consider taking extra precautions to safeguard your devices from damage.



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