Gen-AI, creating more Job Opportunities in the IT sector

Update: 2023-06-03 13:15 IST

For representational purpose

The recent growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has created hype about robots replacing human professionals. After all, AI has already taken over countless jobs and is progressively becoming intelligent. We spoke to Shibu Paul, vice president – International Sales at Array Networks; he says, “However, I see a silver lining to this trend. While AI is replacing jobs by taking over repetitive and mundane tasks, it's also creating exciting career opportunities that did not exist before. The underlying principle is simple: Since AI automates humdrum tasks, it frees time for professionals to focus on more strategic


tasks requiring deep expertise and higher-level thinking.”

One of the primary ways Gen-AI can generate job opportunities is by developing and deploying AI systems. Shibu Paul explains, “The creation and maintenance of Gen-AI systems require highly skilled professionals, including AI researchers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and software developers. These individuals are essential for building, training, and fine-tuning AI models, ensuring their effectiveness and ethical use. Thus, the growing demand for Gen-AI technologies will increase the need for talented IT professionals, creating new job openings.”

Additionally, as Gen-AI systems become more prevalent, they will augment human capabilities rather than completely replace them. AI can handle routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on complex problem-solving, innovation, and creative thinking. This shift in job roles will require people with strong analytical and critical thinking skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with AI systems. Consequently, there will be a demand for professionals who can work alongside Gen-AI, using it as a tool to improve their productivity and decision-making capabilities.

Shibu Paul says, “Furthermore, adopting Gen-AI can drive the development of new industries and business models. With AI-powered systems, companies can gain insights from vast amounts of data, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and identify new market opportunities. This will spur the creation of AI-driven startups, innovative products, and services, leading to job creation across various sectors, not just limited to the IT industry.”

“In a nutshell, I believe that Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) has the potential to create more job opportunities in the IT sector. By automating mundane tasks, augmenting human capabilities, and driving innovation, Gen-AI can create new job roles and industries. To stay ahead of the curve, it is essential to proactively address the challenges, upskill employees to help them embrace new skills and technology, and provide constant training programs to ensure a smooth transition for the workforce,” shares Shibu Paul.



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