Tech Gig Code Gladiators 2020 Event Goes Virtual Live Amidst The Corona Fever

Update: 2020-03-31 22:12 IST
TechGig Code Gladiators 2020

The annual programming event 'TechGig Code Gladiators 2020' has gone virtual on-board amidst the Coronavirus crisis itself. As this is an online event, there is no need to worry about this pandemic.

To uncover the best programmers around the world, this event is held annually. The winners will also hold amazing prizes with huge cash deals. As the event organizers, this is the seventh year of this competition. The companies need to conduct live interviews and interact with codes in order to win this virtual competition.


The themes of this virtual coding game are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, IoT, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Microsoft Azure and RPA.

Here is the official URL of the website… Have a look!

The registrations will be closed on 1st June… So guys, speed up and test your knowledge and hold an amazing chance to show off your prowess to the world.



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