Want to go to the US? Now you need to share your social media details

Update: 2019-06-08 10:51 IST

If you are planning to travel to the US, this news may make you pause a little. Recently the US government has revised its immigration process and now will need more personal details than earlier. Now the applicants of US visa have to share additional details about their social media, email addresses and phone numbers from five years prior to the date of application. The new rules will be applicable soon and will affect all immigrants visiting the USA, including Indian travellers.


The US government made this revision to improve the screening process during the immigration process. Keeping in view the security for US citizens and help the government with background checks.

Here is all that you need to know before applying for the US visa in the future:

1. What is the new US visa requirement?

The immigration authorities would need loads of personal data limited to employment details, financial stability and others. The new rules need the applicant to share social media accounts details. Applicants will also need to share five years back email addresses and contact numbers.

2. What social media information would an applicant need to submit?

The applicant will need to submit all active social media accounts details.

Such as links to profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter while applying.

3. Why this has been implemented?

The US State Department wants to improve the security of the screening process. The government said in a statement given to the press, "We are constantly working to find mechanisms to improve our screening processes to protect US citizens while supporting legitimate travel to the United States."

4. What will happen next?

Once the applicant submits all the required details, then the government will do background checks through social media channels. All posts, likes, re-tweets and everything will be scrutinized during the application process. If the applicant social media doesn't reveal any security threat to the US, then the visa application will be approved.

5. Will the previous document verification be ditched?

The new regulations will add on to the existing needs for the US visa application. So, other information such as employment details, financial information and others still need to be submitted.

6. Has this been introduced for the first time?

Earlier applicants were needed to submit their social media details only if they have been to countries affected with terrorism. But now it is obligatory for all.

7. How will this affect visa applicants?

Now the authorities will consider all the posts including photos and texts while doing background checks. This data privacy of applicants to be affected massively. Therefore, the new regulation could make applicants reconsider their plans to visit the US as this additional scrutiny will only add to the process and make it more tedious to get the US visa.

8. What happens to existing US visa holders?

Those who already have the US visa won't need to do this now. But, when the visa needs to be renewed, the applicant will have to follow the new process.



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