Acute staff crunch ails RIMS

Update: 2019-07-19 01:15 IST

Adilabad: The State government had spent crores of rupees on building the Rajiv Gandhi Institution of Medical Science (RIMS) hospital, but ithas not lived upto expectation because of acute shortage of staff in various departments.

Due to lack of regular employees, insufficient staff and lack of supervision in medical emergencies patients are not getting proper medical care.


Patients are getting treatment for small ailments like diarrhoea, fever, headache, typhoid, malaria, diseases only. There is no treatment for acute ailments.

According to sources, mainly RIMS director's post is vacant, and 12 professors' positions (in various departments) are yet to befilled.

Out of 30 Assistant Professor posts, only 15 have been filled and remaining 15 posts are still vacant.

As many as 41 assistant posts were granted to the RIMS but only 34 have been filled but concerned doctors are regularly going on vacations.

Due to this no proper medical services are being provided to the patients. Proposals are sent to the Health department for filling the remaining 7 vacant posts, said the sources.

While 59 teacher posts were sanctioned to RIMS, out of them 22 posts are still vacant. On other hand, in the last five years due to non-recruitment of regular director's post, in charge directors are running the hospital.

Similarly,RIMS' college principal, Assistant Director, Superintendent, RMO and other crucial posts are not filled and in-charges are running the show.

Due to lack of proper medical services and supervision in the hospital patients have been put to lot of hardships.

In RIMS hospital in-patient and out -patient wards are functioning though there alsothe lower level medical staff are required to berecruited in a large number, added the sources.



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