App to monitor Covid patients soon

Update: 2020-06-21 00:32 IST
App to monitor Covid patients

Hyderabad: In an effort to combat coronavirus outbreak, Hyderabad-based startup FIUH IT Solutions Private Limited has developed an app 'Covid 19' which automatically monitors quarantine hotspots and every Covid positive patient's movements to curtail the pandemic in the city.

According to Ranadeep Meenagoni, CEO, FIUH IT Solutions Private Limited, the app has been developed to help government and police officials to monitor individuals quarantined at home and designated centers to ensure that they follow social distancing norms. With increasing Covid positive admissions at quarantine centers, the frontline warriors including medical officials were finding it difficult to keep a tab on the patient's movements. Here the app plays an important role in monitoring movements of patient and alerting the authorities in emergencies.


Also, people in home quarantine can check their daily covid -19 score as per government norms through this app. User can accesses questioner by clicking on their names on home screen of the cell phone. For better combating Covid, every citizen must install this app, which works offline and collects data and updates the servers. This app has an inbuilt special feature which alerts police officials about small or mass gatherings of people in public places. Currently, this app is in trial process and discussions are being held with government officials. Within 10 days this app would be launched in the market and can be downloaded from Google Playstore free of cost.

How app works for Home quarantine

• The home quarantined person must register in this app

• Details of all family members must be added, and all must register

• After registration, the app will monitor if lockdown rules are being followed

• If the app is deleted a notification will be sent to nearby police station for further action



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