Hyderabad: Create silent zones at home

Update: 2020-06-23 00:11 IST
Create silent zones at home

A national survey stresses need to create conducive environment for children

Hyderabad: According to the latest Nielsen survey, creating a silent zone for kids to study is a must and noise-free appliances play an important part for a stress-free environment. Noise can be annoying whether it is due to indiscriminate honking on the roads or the sound from a ceiling fan.


Studying in an environment similar to the one during exams can help children remember information well. Also, with social distancing now taking precedence, parents are spending a lot more time, possibly in limited space, with children. Hence, the need for a quiet place to study with no distractions, says the study.

Nielsen conducted a survey in which 1,000 parents from the cities of Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Chennai participated. As much as 75% parents believe in setting up a silent zone at home is key.

A majority, 83% parents feel noise from electrical appliances at home like fans, TV, music systems and kitchen appliances as a major factor of disturbance leading to distractions among kids especially during the exam season. 47% parents believe that distraction/noise is caused due to a ceiling fan during the odd hours – highest among all appliances

Considering that maximum study time and concentration takes place late night/early morning· Noting that electrical appliances play a huge role in distracting kids; 51% parents believe that electric fans contribute significantly to the overall noise level and affect concentration.

Therefore, 69% parents agree that having noise-free appliances like electric fans would help in creating a positive impact especially during the exam season

A spokesperson from AC Nielsen added, "Our aim was to understand the causes of distractions at home during exam season and of course the views of the parents on how having lesser noise at home affects the exam performance of their kids."

Achieving a clear focus especially in the new normal can be managed when a child is in a silent environment. Trying to study in a place with little noise or distractions and away from where one would normally relax is essential.



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