Hyderabad: Drones to carry out sanitisation soon

Update: 2020-05-20 23:34 IST

Hyderabad: The Chennai-based Drone-as-a-Service (DAAS) provider Garuda Aerospace is soon to start flying drones around the city spraying disinfectant to contain coronavirus spread.

The drone can carry 10 litres of disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite - liquid bleach) and can fly for 35 minutes non-stop and can cover around three to five acres in a single flight.


The company has been asked to begin spraying in hot zones while the government is identifying other areas where spraying is required.

The company applied for permission from the government to start the spraying works. "We have been told to start exactly a few days before the lockdown opens, as of now we have been waiting for the confirmation which we will get in the next few days," says Agnishwar Jayaprakash, managing director and Founder of Garuda Aerospace. So far. the company has executed 15 government projects in several municipal corporations and smart cities like Varanasi, Rourkela, Raipur, Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai and Chennai.

"India is very poor in maintaining sanitation as we see people spitting and littering garbage openly. Covid spread is mainly because virus survives on surfaces and infects people who come in physical contact with these surfaces," said Agnishwar. He further says, "To contain the virus the only option we have is sanitation which drones can do it efficiently."



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