Hyderabad: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals pleads against sacrifices on Eid

Update: 2020-07-09 23:32 IST

Hyderabad: Leading animal advocacy organisation PETA has hit back after a billboard featuring a beautiful goat and reading, "I'm ME, Not Mutton. See the Individual. Go Vegan," was taken down in Lucknow after some individuals, who took offence, citing the upcoming Eid-ul-Adha festival.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), India has now placed a new ad in the city, which features a picture of a chicken with the words "I'm ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan". The organisation has placed ads featuring a goat in four other cities: Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai.


According to a statement, PETA insisted that sparing chickens is just as important as saving goats - especially as so many people eat chicken - and both ads call for empathy for frightened animals that face the knife. "PETA India is looking to place the original billboard featuring the goat in the city again, but so far, billboard companies seem too nervous to accept it," added the statement.

The new billboard featuring the chicken, who looks straight out at passers-by, is located at Shyam Swaad, Sector Q, Aliganj, Lucknow. "All sentient beings value their lives as much as any human does, and since there are humane, healthy ways to show respect for all life, people can and should choose foods that spare animals suffering and pain," says PETA India legal associate Amir Nabi.

PETA said in one of its campaigns, India expose "Glass Walls", both chickens' and goats' throats are cut while they're still conscious. The organisation insisted it encourages people, who celebrate Eid, to spare animals such suffering by distributing fruit, money, or clothing to those in need and to respect the spirit of sacrifice by volunteering for a charity.

"The public should oppose ads for meat, as they support cruel slaughter - whereas PETA teaches kindness", added Nabi



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